Educational Tourism NGO seeks full time Senior Fundraiser
This role focuses upon direct donor development and solicitations in the United States, working in tandem with both the development department and NGO leadership; position requires regular overseas travel.
Yeshiva with established overseas gap year program seeks Full Time Director of Development
Strategy, management and responsibility for all overseas fundraising activities, utilizing a broad existing donor base overseas; direct fundraising through personal solicitations and other avenues; work in tandem with senior leadership; position requires regular overseas travel.
למכון גבוה ללימודי תורה לנשים דרוש/ה מנכ"ל/ית במשרה מלאה
עבודה בשיתוף פעולה עם מנהיגות המכון לקידום חזון ומטרות הארגון. אחריות לבניית תקציב שנתי ולניהול פיננסי, כולל תכנון אסטרטגי, ניהול ובקרת תזרימים, ודוחות כספיים. עבודה מול הנהלת העמותה כולל אחריות לתכנון וניהול ישיבות הנהלה. אחריות על ניהול תקין של העמותה כולל עמידה בדרישות רשם העמותות, וקביעה ואכיפת נהלי עבודה תקינים. ניהול כח אדם, כולל קליטת עובדים, הגדרות תפקידים ותנאי שכר,הסכמי עבודה וסיומי עבודה. ניהול ישיר של צוות אדמיניסטציה, מנהלי תכניות, אגפי כספים, מיחשוב ,אחזקה וביטחון. אחריות תפעולית על קמפוס המכון. עבודה מול משרדי ממשלה וגורמי חוץ, כולל פנייות לקבלת לתקציבי ממשלה.
Shared Society NGO seeks Full Time Development, Grants and Donor Relations Manager
development of fundraising strategy in tandem with CEO; grant and report writing in English, including donor research and ensuring compliance with all grant requirements and legal requirements; donor relations, including direct donor communications and writing donor facing content such as newsletters, promotional materials, and annual reports; planning fundraising campaigns, meetings, visits and events; management of donor database and CRM system.
Medical Research Center Seeks Full or Part Time Grant Writer (50%-100%)
Writing grant proposals and donor reports in English in the field of Public Health Research.
למוסד אקדמי מוכר דרוש/ה גייס/ת כספים במשרה מלאה להצטרף לצוות דסק ישראל
פיתוח קשרים וגיוס כספים מתורמים פרטיים, קרנות ומקורות ממשלתיים בישראל.
Academic Institution seeks full time VP Development
The VP of Development will formulate and implement a comprehensive development strategy, with the support and involvement of the institution’s senior leadership; managing and overseeing a professional development team, s/he will expand awareness and support for the institution, soliciting and stewarding major donors, crafting tailored dedication, naming and support opportunities, and utilizing traditional and creative avenues for increasing donor investment and engagement; this position requires regular travel overseas.
NGO dedicated to celebrating Israel’s diverse culture seeks full time Director of Grants, Partnerships and Donor Relations
Development of fundraising strategy in tandem with CEO; grant and report writing in English to foundations and federations in the U.S.; donor relations, including direct donor communications, presentation at donor site visits and donor meetings in Israel and overseas; development of contacts and partnerships with like-minded donors, businesses and organizations; management of donor database CRM system.
Academic Institution in Jerusalem seeks candidates for the position of President
Leadership of the institution, bringing new vision and creative strategic thinking to the table; guidance and cooperation with organizational leadership, board members, and supporters; maintaining and developing relationships with current and new donors in Israel and overseas; public representation of the institution in a wide variety of settings both in Israel and overseas; development of strategic relationships and cooperation with other academic institutions.
Jewish Identity and Education NGO seeks Full Time Director of Development
Strategy, management and responsibility for all fundraising activities, both overseas and in Israel; direct fundraising through personal solicitations and other avenues; management of a small development team; work in tandem with CEO and organizational leadership; position requires regular overseas travel.
Established Medical Aid and Welfare Services NGO in Beit Shemesh seeks F/T Director of Development
Responsibility for development strategy, management of development team, direct solicitations, and donor stewardship. The position requires regular overseas travel. Position reports to the CEO.
למחקל ת גיוס משאבים במוסד אקדמי מוכר דרוש/ה מנהל/ת תחום שותפויות ועסקים בישראל במשרה מלאה
ניהול ופיתוח קשרי עסקים, תמיכות ממשלתיות, שותפויות ותורמים פרטיים בארץ